Who knew that a lawn care maintenance shop could help change the world?
Don’t get me wrong– a well-kept lawn can be life changing. But how this line of business has impacted the trajectory of Maddie’s Place is a different story.
Keep reading. The connection is nothing short of extraordinary.
Dale LaBounty and his wife, BeLinda, two longtime Spokanites, found themselves with a growing lawn care/maintenance business and too small of a space to hold all their equipment. When an acquaintance mentioned that a vacant building was available on the lower south hill, the LaBountys jumped on the opportunity. Their small business, “Gopher’s S.H.O.P. (South Hill Outdoor Power),” only grew from there. BeLinda was even able to utilize some of the space for her own business, Kindred Quilting Etc.
With the growth of their business, the LaBountys considered themselves blessed. After two years of working heartily in their new space, their neighbor approached them with an intriguing offer to buy their home and unify the two properties for the first time in 88 years.

The LaBountys weren’t interested and tried to decline the offer. But for some reason, their neighbors wouldn’t take no for an answer. So, eventually the LaBountys agreed and moved into the home right behind Gopher’s S.H.O.P.
26 years of successful business had gone by when Dale began to consider retirement. And if he was going to retire, they wanted to sell their property all together.
Selling could have been quite simple, actually. The LaBountys received several offers from developers interested in building apartments and small homes. But that notion never sat well with them.
However, an exciting opportunity popped up right next door. Their neighbor, the Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery, was looking to expand. Dale and BeLinda offered them their property as a potential option for expansion, but it did not fit their specific needs. So, the LaBountys tabled the idea of retirement, waiting for the opportune time and buyers.
After Vanessa Behan vacated the property, a new nonprofit moved in. With the desire to be good neighbors, the LaBountys and a board member from the nonprofit formed a friendship with one another. It felt good to have another organization in their neighborhood doing more good work.

So, when Dale reached the point when he knew it was time to retire and sell the property, he knew just who to call.
Soon after, an unexpected visitor showed up on their back porch.
“Hi, are you BeLinda?”
They had no idea who the man was. But she answered him, “Yes, and who are you?”
“I’m Shaun Cross, the president/CEO of Maddie’s Place next door.”
You could say the rest was history. Maddie’s Place was in fact interested in expansion and thought the LaBounty property would be a great fit.
Over the next year, a friendship sparked between Shaun and the LaBountys over countless conversations discussing everything from closing terms to life stories.
Nothing about this arrangement was normal. For one, who expects to find a stranger on their back porch? And who expects to become friends with that very stranger, let alone sell your house to them?
The LaBountys experienced a wide range of emotions that year as the official closing date drew near. Afterall, they were packing up 28 years’ worth of memories.
On the one hand, their hearts ached. It felt hard to let go of something so good. But on the other hand, they trusted God’s plan for everyone involved, all in his perfect timing. So, they were at peace with their decision to retire, and grateful for the new hands that would hold their property.
“It really thrills our hearts and brings us lots of joy that the property is being used for a cause… to help these babies and their moms,” says BeLinda.
So many pieces needed to fall into place for this transaction to occur. An acquaintance needed to suggest the property to them. Their neighbors needed to convince them to unify the two properties. Dale needed to retire after 42 years. Vanessa Behan needed to decline their initial offer. Maddie’s Place needed to purchase the property from Vanessa Behan. That Maddie’s board member needed to meet the LaBountys. Shaun needed to find the LaBountys on their back porch.

The list is endless, but the point is clear: everything lined up perfectly over the years so that Maddie’s Place could expand right where they are at and extend the services they offer to those suffering in this opioid epidemic.
The LaBountys have made an unforgettable mark on our organization. Their impact will shine forth in the changed lives of the families we will serve on that property, and we are grateful.
This blog was posted on December 13, 2024.
Questions? Suggestions? Email me at emma.jones@maddiesplace.org