It is not abnormal for first-time visitors to exclaim to me, “It sure did take me forever to find this place!”
I always chuckle to myself, remembering when I too got lost my first time coming to Maddie’s Place.
I took a wrong turn and found myself amidst many homes, baffled as to why I was in a neighborhood in the first place. While I don’t remember what I expected, I was pleasantly surprised when I pulled into the parking lot of what looked like a giant house.
Despite the chilly snowfall, it felt warm. A beautiful porch stood tall and firm. An inviting bench begged me to sit down. Instead, I rang the doorbell to walk through a sturdy blue door for what would be the first of many, many times.
The lobby greeted me with comfy couches and beautiful wall décor. When I received a tour, I was blown away by how deceptively large the building was, seemingly stretching on for miles. Each space was lovely and warm, the opposite of what you would expect from a medical facility.
In its frame and in its interior, Maddie’s Place blended right into the neighborhood around it.
This is exactly what we hoped for. Because a mom fresh from rehab does not need another cold, industrial facility. They need a bedroom they can make their own. An inviting couch they can sink into as they feed their recovering baby. A family who can aid them in their journey and assist in the care of their newborn.

This is why we put so much emphasis on the interior design of our home, making our space warm, welcoming, and relaxing. In a trustworthy space, parents can feel safe and at ease while living with or visiting their baby.
So, should you ever tour Maddie’s Place, you will find beautiful artwork on the walls, comfortable furniture, and cozy nooks set apart to foster those meaningful connections between parents and their child.

The nursery is one of the most relaxing spaces to be.
Nurses, Infant Care Specialists, and Cuddlers occupy comfy couches, rocking chairs, and exercise balls. Moms come and go from their own rooms. Noise machines run, soft music plays, and staff whisper in conversation while the babies sleep.
Every time I walk in there, I feel an overwhelming sense of calm. Even amidst a hard day for the babes, the nursery always returns to its peaceful state.
Like any household, Maddie’s Place operates as a family unit.
Whether it’s Sarah taking care of various administrative needs, or Kelly feeding another baby, everyone has a role to play in keeping this home functioning.
So, the next time a new visitor mentions getting lost on their way to Maddie’s, I will sympathetically smile, reminded of the blessing to be just another home on the block.
Questions? Suggestions? Email me at
This blog was posted on September 8, 2023.